
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Need to Know: The College-Work Balancing Act
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
In this episode, ACCT's Allison Beer and Jacob Bray discuss ACCT's new report, The College-Work Balancing Act. Nearly 70% of community college students work while enrolled. Listen to learn how this complicates their students' lives and ways colleges can help.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
From Community College to UC Irvine to D.C.: ACCT Intern Ayman Mendoza
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Ayman Mendoza is a recent graduate of the University of California, Irvine, who transferred to the university from a community college. He completed a summer internship in Washington, D.C., and while he was here, he told us that "choosing community college was the best academic decision I ever made."
In this podcast, the "public Ivy" grad explains why he feels it's time to stop stigmatizing community colleges and their students, and to recognize the value and high quality of community college educations.

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
To round out our National Campus Safety Awareness Month series, United Educators Risk Management Consultant Justin Kollinger spoke with us about what community college trustees need to do to safeguard their campuses against potential liabilities and safety concerns, including:
- Preventing and addressing harassment and abuse on campus;
- How to avoid the common campus culture of believing that some individuals are beyond reproach;
- Commonly overlooked threats to public safety and well being on campuses, such as poorly maintained infrastructure;
- And much more.
This is the second part of a two-part episode.
Additional Resources from United Educators
- Safeguarding Our Communities from Sexual Predators: What College Presidents and Trustees Should Ask – Sexual abuse prevention starts at the top by setting a culture of inquiry and protection for reporters. This document can help trustees and their presidents question whether the institution is adequately protecting minors on campus.
- Reputational Risk Toolkit – In 2017, UES surveyed board chairs, presidents, and CFOs on effective risk management and its impact on institutional reputation. These resources discuss findings and implications.
- 2019 Large Loss Report – Each year, UE summarizes the largest losses across educational institutions (not just UE members). According to the report, in 2019, “the most frequent and costliest cases involved sexual abuse claims.” Additional large losses include athletics injuries, breaches of contracts, bullying, disabilities, discrimination, free speech, gender issues, negligence or wrongful death, unequal pay and workplace issues such as hostile work environments.
Stay up to date on education-related risk management matters via the United Educators blog.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
"There's a really big difference between having two victims and having 20 victims. And when I talk about reducing the impact, it's about having reporting mechanisms in place."
To round out our National Campus Safety Awareness Month series, United Educators Risk Management Consultant Justin Kollinger spoke with us about what community college trustees need to do to safeguard their campuses against potential liabilities and safety concerns, including:
- Preventing and addressing harassment and abuse on campus;
- How to avoid the common campus culture of believing that some individuals are beyond reproach;
- Commonly overlooked threats to public safety and well being on campuses, such as poorly maintained infrastructure;
- And much more.
This is part one of a special two-part episode.
Additional Resources from United Educators
- Safeguarding Our Communities from Sexual Predators: What College Presidents and Trustees Should Ask – Sexual abuse prevention starts at the top by setting a culture of inquiry and protection for reporters. This document can help trustees and their presidents question whether the institution is adequately protecting minors on campus.
- Reputational Risk Toolkit – In 2017, UES surveyed board chairs, presidents, and CFOs on effective risk management and its impact on institutional reputation. These resources discuss findings and implications.
- 2019 Large Loss Report – Each year, UE summarizes the largest losses across educational institutions (not just UE members). According to the report, in 2019, “the most frequent and costliest cases involved sexual abuse claims.” Additional large losses include athletics injuries, breaches of contracts, bullying, disabilities, discrimination, free speech, gender issues, negligence or wrongful death, unequal pay and workplace issues such as hostile work environments.
Stay up to date on education-related risk management matters via the United Educators blog.

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Part 2: Campus Public Safety with NCCPS Director Kim Richmond
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
This is the second half of our discussion with National Center for Campus Public Safety Director Kim Richmond. Richmond discusses what trustees and other community college leaders need to know about issues ranging from sexual assault to firearms on campus, the Clery Act, Title IX, emergency management and other issues. Richmond walks us through these concerns, explains how to prioritize public safety concerns, how to prepare for on-campus crises, and she directs listeners to additional free resources, including webinars and publications.
The National Center for Campus Public Safety was created by Congress and funded through the United States Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance to serve as a national clearinghouse for campus safety and security-related best practices and other resources on issues that include:
- Active shooters
- Active thread
- Alcohol and substance abuse
- Behavioral threat assessment
- Bicycle and pedestrian safety
- Binge drinking
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Campus carry
- Campus violence
- Clery Act
- Community policing
- Dating & domestic violence
- Ethics
- Fire safety
- Food insecurity
- Grants and funding
- Hate crimes
- Hazing
- Homelessness
- Laws and regulations
- Legal assistance
- LGBTQ concerns
- Media and public relations
- Mental health
- Missing persons
- Officer safety
- Policy and plan development
- Risk assessment
- Sexual assault
- Social media
- Stalking
- Suicide
- Terrorism
- Title IX
- Underage drinking
- Victim services
- Violence prevention
- And others
For more information, visit nccpsafety.org/library.